Breakfast Workshop: Retail and supply chain: driving efficiencies – with full visibility

Retail’s supplv chain has undergone unprecedented disruption and transtormation over the last tour vears in the wake ot a global pandemic, geopolitical disruption, a cost-ot-living crisis, changing consumer behaviour, rising transport costs and bevond.

In an exclusive free-to-attend leadership breakfast, discuss the challenges you face with peers, share approaches, and come away with fresh insight to drive your future supply chain efficiencies.

Breakfast Workshop on supply chain efficiencies

  • Date: 26th March 2024, 8:30 AM
  • Venue: Langan’s Private Dining Room, London W1J 8LB
  • Host: Paul Skeldon, Retail Gazette editorial host

We will discuss:

  • The importance of an efficient supply chain in shaping customer satisfaction and experience
  • Where and how Al can be used for efficiency improvements and how you can streamline systems and embrace data using Microsoft Copilot and ERP Dynamics 365 alongside Al
  • How building transparency into supply chains reduces risk and enhances efficiency

It’s free-to-attend for senior leaders from across retail, but spaces are limited. To register your interest in attending enter your details in the form on this page and our team will be in touch to confirm your application.

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